Wanhao D6 / Monoprice Maker Ultimate firmware Mod v3.2.1 based on official v3.1


Post by Gianko Monzilla 

Hello to everyone, after a number of changes we came to the final revision of the original Wanhao D6 3.1 / Monoprice Maker Ultimate firmware revision (http://www.wanhao3dprinter.com/Down/ShowArticle.asp…)
To make the original Firmware better I had to modify it.
Here is the list of changes to my final version 3.2.1, created with your help:

Wanhao D6 Firmware v.3.2.1

Redesigned the LCD Information Display Print Panel.
Correct position of characters in all information screens.
Modify some information items.
Modified Abort job, in the TUNE menu (the plate drops by 5mm before returning home)
Extruder temperature limit of 320°
Fixed some code bugs

Added menu items in “Advanced”:
– Raise plate 25mm
– Lower plate 25mm
– Lower buildplate (the plate down to the bottom)
– Preheat all (Preheat Extruder and Plate “210/70”)
– Stop heating (Stop all heating)
– Disable stepper

The firmware can be installed either by Cura Wanhao or by Xloader included in the zip file.

There are 2 files in Zip File for Wanhao:
“WanhaoD6-Firmware.v3.2.1” (Standard Firmware)
“WanhaoD6-Firmware.v3.2.1-MaxTemp.320” (Maximum Extruder Temperature 320°)

There are 2 files in Zip File for Monoprice:
“Monoprice.MU-Firmware.v3.2.1” (Standard Firmware)
“Monoprice.MU-Firmware.v3.2.1-MaxTemp.320” (Maximum Extruder Temperature 320°)

I remind everyone that after installing the firmware you have to reset and bring home all the axes and rearrange the plate.

I hope to have been useful to the community.

Message by Gianko Monzilla on FB

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